This page will help you find relevant information regarding your accident or injury and if a trust is required.
Personal injury compensation
- Accident at work compensation – your workplace must be risk assessed, so why do accidents at work still happen?
- Brain injury accident – brain or head injuries have serious consequences which require careful medical evaluation.
- Compensation calculation – explanation of partial fault through to the calculation of financial loss.
- Cycling accident compensation – you are encouraged to cycle for your health and the environment, but the cyclist is a vulnerable road user.
- Motorcycle accident compensation – greater manoeuvrability and acceleration put motorcyclists at risk, particularly when extra attention is necessary to spot a bike.
- Pedestrian accident compensation – despite the various types of road crossings, a pedestrian is always going to come off worse when struck by a car.
- Spinal injury compensation – an obvious case for experienced legal and medical expert advice.
Personal injury trusts
This guide will help you decide if a personal injury trust is right for you.
- What is a personal injury trust?
- What are the next steps?
- Living in Northern Ireland?
- Living in Scotland?
Trustee role and responsibility
For those asked to act as a trustee for a personal injury trust
- What is a bare trust?
- How many trustees are required?
- Do I complete an annual tax return?
- What are my responsibilities?
- What about investments and taxes?
Recent Articles
Is a personal injury trust taxed?
This information is written for those with bare trusts which hold personal injurycompensation. There are other types of trust for personal injury compensation,which are taxed differently. This solicitor practice only writes bare trusts, so wewill stick to those...
Is there a time limit for setting up a personal injury compensation trust?
No, is the answer, but if you are claiming benefits, your benefits will be reduced until you set up a trust. This question is usually asked by those who have received compensation and were not claiming benefits at that time. Some benefit claimants receive...